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VIU Graduate Student Scholar Schedule Form

Greetings VIU Graduate Student Scholar, 

The Office of Graduate Studies will be hosting and facilitating several events to bring you together to enhance your VIU graduate experience. These will include workshops to broaden your leadership skill set, opportunities to build a community where you can learn from peers with a variety of lived experiences and academic paths, and events to share your academic experiences with the broader VIU graduate student population.

To plan for Fall 2023 events, we need some feedback - hence this form. 

We will only use your information for contacting you and scheduling events/opportunities. Details will not be shared to anyone outside the Office of Graduate Studies without your expressed permission.

Thanks so much. If you have any questions, please connect with us at

1 Start 2 Complete
Let us know when you will be in the Nanaimo area from August 28 through to December 15.
General time frames are fine (e.g., second half of November, or most Tuesdays and Fridays).
We are aiming for a consistent day/time in the week to be able to schedule this group. Please select all that could work for you.
One of the events the Office of Graduate Studies will be hosting are Lunch and Learns which will be a combination of workshops and speakers that will facilitate a talk or discussion on Thursdays from 11:30am to 12:30pm in B305R440 on the Nanaimo campus. We would like to invite you to give a talk on your research or internship project. This is best suited for those students in their second year and/or nearing the end of their degree. You do not have to have the project completed. It is meant as an opportunity to talk about your project, challenges, things you learned etc. 30 min talking time with 10-15 for questions and discussion. You can include this as in 'Invited Talk' on your CV. Please choose all that could work. And don't worry if we can't fit you in this semester, there will be more opportunities in the spring semester (Jan-Apr 2024).