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Instructor Resources

In case you are asking, 'Why am I here?'

Below you will find an assortment of resources designed to help with the following:

  • Enhance your students' communication skills
  • Inspire and provide resources for fun and virtually friendly assignments
  • Enable your students to participate at CREATE

If there is something you would like to have added to this page, please connect with Questions can be directed her way as well.

Glad you asked. CREATE is VIU's largest celebration of student scholarship, research, and creative activity. 

Who can participate? 

ALL students - all levels, all Faculties. 

When is it happening? 

Sometime in April. This year CREATE is happening April 3-6.

Although CREATE is slated for the end of the spring semester, students can enter items they completed in the summer or fall semesters.

Why should I get my students involved?

  • CREATE is a fantastic training ground for students to practice their communication skills
  • Students can add this to their CVs
  • Employers like concrete examples of communication skills
  • CREATE strives to add to our students' sense of belonging, their self-efficacy and their perceptions of the curriculum. All of these add up to improved retention
  • There will also be awards and prizes


See VIU Create.


CREATE in the Virtual Classroom: Aligning VIU's student conference with classroom teaching and learning

This is an overall intro to knowledge mobilization and CREATE.

So, you are using a CREATE event as an assessment tool in your class - but would really like an assessment rubric to go along with that. No worries, we are here to  help!

Below are links to the rubrics that will be used at CREATE, they can help to get you started. However, they will not cover the myriad of course specific learning outcomes that are dependent on discipline, year, and content.

The Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning can help you out! Dr. Sylvie Lafreniere has just moved over to the CIEL team and she is in the loop about CREATE, events, rubrics etc. Please connect with her - if you have any questions or need assistance. 

CREATE Rubrics

Deque's Accessible Presentation Checklist

CREATE will be encouraging all its participants to have a look at this checklist and follow its advice wherever appropriate. The checklist includes tips on:

  • Creating accessible content
  • Presenting with accessibility in mind
  • Tools and features to avoid
  • Post-presentation best practices

Checklist was originally downloaded from deque: Download the Accessible Presentation Checklist in September 2020 and its content has not been changed or altered.

Our Copyright Librarian Lori Walter has shared this excellent UBC resource. It includes links on how to cite images and lots of sites that have images you can use. Please read the licensing conditions of each item you find to ensure it permits your specific use.

Two sites with collections of images that have minimal copyright concerns are:

  • Pixabay: Photos and clip art published under CC-Public Domain license (free of copyright restrictions). But note that sponsored Shutterstock images are also shown during searches but are NOT free of copyright restrictions. Those images are marked with a gray background and display the Shutterstock logo.

  • Unsplash: Free high-resolution stock photos depicting a wide variety of subjects. 10 new photos are released every 10 days. All photos are licensed under CC License Zero. Can be used for commercial purposes.

If you have any questions about image use in posters, presentations, and other types of publications please connect with VIU's copyright office, they would love to help you out.

CREATE will be having an event called Rant-like-Rick. Rick Mercer himself has given us the go-ahead to use his name. Should be totally fun!

Maclean's article by Rick Mercer: Why I rant. And why you should too

Rant like Rick: teaching students to rant is both necessary and fun!

Great little blog posting.

How to Write a Rant: 5 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Oral Presentations Workshop

Covers 10 minutes, SLAMs, Rants, and VIUTube

How to deliver an effective 10-minute presentation 

This video covers the basics on what to include in a 10-minute presentation, general rules for formatting your PowerPoint, and some over-all pointers for putting together a great presentation.

Example assessment rubric for a 10-minute presentation 

How to deliver an effective 3-minute Project SLAM 

This video introduces students to the idea of the short presentation format. Also referred to as 'lightening rounds' or elevator pitches. We will cover formatting one PowerPoint slide as well as tips for how to speak and what to say. Any student project will suffice - scholarship, research, or creative activity!

Assessment rubric for a 3-minute Project SLAM 

How to create a quick Twitter Poster 

6 minutes 50 seconds - Sweet!

CREATE will have rolling Twitter poster sessions with the hashtag #TwitterPosterVIUCREATE; feel free to make up others based on Faculty or Department.  e.g. #TwitterPosterCREATEeducation or #TwitterPosterCREATEbiology

Note: if your PowerPoint does not save as a GIF, still press export, then Create a Video, Internet Quality

#TwitterPoster assessment rubric 

What is a research poster?

This video covers the following:

  • What is a traditional research poster?
  • What should a research poster include?
  • Lots of examples including some made by VIU students for CREATE

How to create the Ultimate research poster with User Experience Design


YouTube video by Mike Morrison, creator of the Better Poster concept. Fantastic presentation using research to make a better research poster. 

CREATE 's assessment rubric for a research poster 

What is an Infographic?

The following video covers the following:

  • What is an Infographic?
  • Examines a number of different types of infographics and best practices for each type.

Assessment rubric for an infographic

How to format a research poster or an infographic

This video will overview takes the student from opening PowerPoint, formatting the slide, inserting text and images, to saving the file appropriately.

Word Clouds can be effective and fun ways to present data in a creative, visual graph. 

ENGL115 Word Cloud Assignment and CREATE Submission

An overview for a word cloud assignment for ENGL115 instructors. Although this assignment is directed to ENGL115, it can easily be tailored to other courses.

How to make a word cloud tutorial for students

The word cloud tutorial was designed for ENGL115 in mind, but includes a great intro to word clouds and how to use the online platform WordArt.