VIU Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity


There are a number of committees that support the adjudication of VIU’s internal research awards, grants and scholarships.

Note to committee members: For electronic copies of committee documents please visit VIU's Archiving System.

BCGEU Group Professional Development Committee

The BCGEU Group Professional Development Committee sponsors activities that will help to maintain the excellence of instruction and educational service at VIU. Funds are intended for group events that enable a range of BCGEU members to experience professional and/or scholarly development. Please visit BCGEU Group PD Fund for further information, an application form, and the committee membership list.

This Committee administers the Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's (CGS-M) scholarships granted to VIU from the Tri-Agencies (SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, NSERC - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and CIHR - Canadian Institutes for Health Research). Each year VIU receives a quota from the Tri-Agencies for these awards.

Committee Members



Marian Riedel

Faculty of Education

Gillian Anderson

Faculty of Social Sciences

Jerome Lesemann

Faculty of Science and Technology

Janet Grafton

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Elizabeth Brimacombe

Faculty of Social Sciences

Kendra Stiwich

Scholarship Liaison Officer, Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity

VIU is mandated to conduct an internal selection process and select recipients for these awards.

The Michael L. Warsh Law Corporation Committee selects award recipients for the Michael L. Warsh Law Corporation Award.

The Michael L. Warsh Law Corporation Committee promotes and recognizes outstanding research and research potential in any discipline. Research may include the following: independent research supervised by a faculty member; an independent project undertaken for credit, e.g. under the 491 code; research undertaken as a Work-Opportunities student; financially supported or pro bono research as part of a faculty member’s project, or any other similar project. The Award is targeted to a student who intends to pursue postgraduate studies, and who is entered in his/her last two semesters. Faculty recognize that research grants and awards are crucial aspects of graduate school admissions and future grant application success.

Committee Members



Cheryl Warsh (Chairperson)


Alanna Williams

Media Studies/Digital Media Technology

Liz Gillis

Resource Management Officer Technology

Riki Cox


Deborah Matheson


Kendra Stiwich

Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity Office

NSERC Awards Selection Committee

This committee administers student awards granted to VIU from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). VIU receives a quota from NSERC to nominate students for the Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA). VIU is required to conduct a fair and transparent internal selection process for these awards.

Committee Members



Jamie Gorrell


Sean Sloan


Duane Barker

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Catherine Thomson


Humayun Kabir

Computer Science

Christine Tong


Vanessa Moraes

Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity Office

The Provost Awards for Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity is to recognize Vancouver Island University faculty members for excellence in scholarship, research and creative activity. These awards publicly recognize faculty for their efforts to support the University’s core commitment to excellence in a wide range of scholarship, applied research and community engagement.

Name Faculty of
Andrew Loudon Science and Technology
Jessica Gemella Trades and Applied Technology
Jodi Latremouille  Education
Joy Liu Management
Kathleen Reed Library
Mark Williams Social Science 
Cheryl Warsh Arts and Humanities
Josh Patience Student Representative
Eve Stringham Acting AVP, Research and Graduate Studies
Lyn Locke Administrative Assistant, Committee Support

This award is presented to individuals to recognize and celebrate their exemplary service contributions on institutional committees and who have enabled and supported excellence in scholarship, research, and creative activity at Vancouver Island University.



Nicole Vaugeois

AVP, Research and Graduate Studies

Leyla Innala

Interim Research Ethics Officer

Jennifer Kebe

Biosafety Officer, Acting Animal Care Officer

Kendra Stiwich

Director, Graduate Studies and Student Research

Lyn Locke

Administrative Assistant, Committee Support

Lea Cohodas

Research Services Coordinator

Vancouver Island University Student Travel and Research Committee supports students who wish to engage in research and attend conferences. The committee serves two purposes: 1) Allocate external funds given to the institution for student-led research; and 2) Allocate funds provided by VIU for student research-related travel to professional and academic conferences.

Committee Members

Name Department
Amber Hieb Faculty of Management
Natalie White Faculty of Education
Jason Lloyd Trades and Applied Technology
Heather Wiebe Faculty of Science and Technology
Lauren Touchant Faculty of Social Sciences
Mathews Tharakan VIUSU 
Stuart Kimoto Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation
Vanessa Moraes Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Office

Awards Granted by this Committee

To maintain the excellence of instruction and educational service at VIU, it is recognized that there is a need for faculty to have the opportunity to participate in and pursue activities related to professional development. The VIUFA Leave Committee administers the funding of leave endeavours.

Committee Members                                



Tim Lewis

Arts and Humanities

Emily Baker


Esam Mustafa


Sungchul Choi

Dean, Faculty of Management (Dean of Instruction rep)

Ajay Shrestha 

Science and Technology

Jeff Lewis

Social Sciences

Patricia Geddes

Librarian (non-instructional rep)

Sandy Shultz

Health Sciences and Human Services

Nicole Vaugeois 


AVP, Research and Graduate Studies (Provost and VPA designate)

Lyn Locke

Administrative Assistant, Committee Support

VIUFA Collective Agreement: Article 12.3 Professional Development; Article 12.4 Assisted Leave; Article 12.15 General Leave

These internal awards are a funding source for faculty at VIU to engage in scholarship, research, and creative activity (SRCA). The funding pots align with the lifecycle framework for SRCA as outlined in the Strategic Research Plan 2017-22.

Committee Members



Theo Finigan

Arts and Humanities

Paula Waatainen


Natalie Cielanga 

Academic and Career Preparation

Kyle Duncan

Science and Technology

Scott Brodie

Social Science

Jesus Sierra Jimenez


Jessica Gemella

Trades and Applied Technology

Caroline Variath

Health Sciences and Human Services

Nicole Vaugeois, Chair

Associate Vice-President

Research and Graduate Studies

Lyn Locke

Administrative Assistant, Committee Support

Lea Cohodas

Research Services Coordinator