CREATE logo 2025

10-minute Performances

"At times in my life, the only place I have been happy is when I am on stage."

- Bob Dylan

Let CREATE be your happy place! If you are a performer and a student here at VIU, get out the video camera and start filming!

We are also super stoked to announce that we have partnered with VIUFA's Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee to bring you the Anti-Racism Arts Festival. See below for more info!

  • Register for CREATE 
  • The 10-minute performance will be held in person at CREATE 2025

The 10-minute performance award will be meritorious, determined by a panel of judges, and awarded based on the highest average score. 

  • Best 10-minute Performance: $250

There are also a number of other awards you many be considered for

If you are taking part in this festival make sure to check off that box in the CREATE registration form! Read the following carefully because there are a couple of added things to submit for this Festival.

Co-sponsored by VIUFA, HRISC and CREATE.

In the wake of Black Lives Matter, VIUFA HRISC encourages individuals to take a stand against racism.  Let us begin having conversations about anti-racism in our communities, whether inside or outside of the classroom.

“Activism moves the material world, while Art moves the heart, body and soul.  In fact, however, they are complementary [sic].  Social change doesn’t just happen, it happens because people decide to make change.” 

- (C4AA, Artistic Activism 2018)

Two categories:

  • Performance Arts: (you are in the right place!) submit a video (size max < 2GB), no more than 10-minutes, of an original creative piece, such as, spoken word, song, music, dance, or drama.
  • Visual Arts: submit a jpg (size max < 1GB) of an original visual expression, such as, exhibit, painting, drawing, or photography.

Each submission is to be accompanied by an explanation (written < 250 words, or 2-minute video), that is, inspiration and/or rationale as related to anti-racism.  


In each category, the top three entries will receive $100. As well, there will be four random draws of a $25 gift certificate to Mambo’s Pizza for entries to the Anti-Racism Arts Festival. You can also win CREATE awards and Prizes! Lots of goodness!