VIU Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity

Scholarship, Research & Creative Activity

VIU Research Latest News

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What is environmental psychology and why is it important?

Dr. Lindsay McCunn explains Did you know our physical environments can have a big impact on our health and well-being? Environmental psychologist Dr. Lindsay...

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Experts on wildfire prep and water conservation 🔥

In this issue of VIU news & experts:  Surviving wildfire season Getting children outdoors and learning on the land Why talking about sex with your kids is...

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New remote sensing technologies used to measure water from the province’s snowpack and glaciers

Hakai Cryosphere Node researchers are using LiDAR technology to measure snowpacks on a grander scale than was possible before. Researchers at the Hakai...

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New research centre focuses on quality of life improvements for people affected by trauma and mental health issues

The Centre for Trauma and Mental Health Research aims to address impacts of trauma, brain injury and mental health challenges. Improving quality of life for...

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Tara Cooper is a fourth year undergraduate honours student studying psychology at VIU conducting research under professor Marla Morden, with the aim of better understanding the mental health impacts of pandemic related school changes on children across Canada. Morden’s team is performing a longitudinal study over five years that is “trying to shed light on how to support families should a pandemic happen again.”
VIU Professor Dr. Leigh Blaney received a $10,000 grant to develop Firefighter Edge, a video game that could help firefighters cope with stress and anxiety experienced on the job. Blaney and her research partner Robert Fell, a volunteer firefighter and owner of tech company HYPERSURGE, are developing a prototype firefighter resilience education video game called Firefighter Edge that can be used in resilience training worldwide. Read more.
Dr. Lindsay McCunn, a VIU Psychology Professor, and Maureen O’Connor, a VIU Bachelor of Science in Nursing Professor were curious about some of the effects of this new way of interacting with one another.