VIU Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity


Research Enewsletter Listing

ExploreIP is a Government of Canada tool for businesses, creators, entrepreneurs and innovators to discover intellectual property (IP) held by public sector institutions and leverage ground-breaking research and discoveries, stimulating collaborations that could help launch the next big innovation.
The VIU EDI Symposium was held on March 24-25, 2021. Learn more about the VIU EDI Symposium on the website and watch recordings of all the sessions.
Sea otters are voracious eaters. On the surface of the water, they tend to lounge about and adorably hug their little babies. Beneath the surface, sea otters will dive down over 150 feet to reach prey like abalone, sea urchins, crabs, and clams, which they can crack open using rocks. VIU Biology Professor Dr. Jane Watson has studied sea otters for decades.