VIU Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity

VIU Awards of Excellence

The outcomes of scholarship, research and creative activity result in numerous and significant benefits for individuals and society. The contributions and achievements of those involved in these activities merit internal and external recognition. VIU recognizes excellence in scholarship, research and creative activity undertaken by students, faculty and collaborative team resulting in a culture of celebration across the institution while profiling excellence.

Provost's Awards for Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity

The Provost Awards for Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity nominations are being accepted till 4 pm on May 15, 2024.

The Provost Awards for Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity recognize Vancouver Island University employees for excellence in scholarship, research and creative activity. These awards publicly recognize employees for their efforts to support the University’s core commitment to excellence in a wide range of scholarship, applied research and community engagement.

Recipients of the Provost Awards for Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity!

 1. Undergraduate Research Mentor Award

This is a university-wide award given to recognize an employee who has demonstrated excellence in mentoring and supporting undergraduate student researchers. Recipients will demonstrate an ability to guide student research, creative projects and development that has helped VIU learners to move from directed to independent research and creative work. They will have encouraged and supported students to share the results of their work as appropriate to the discipline (i.e., publications, presentations, performances) and their efforts will have resulted in transformative learning experiences for VIU undergrad students.

 2. Graduate Research Mentor Award

This is a university-wide award given to recognize an employee who has demonstrated excellence in mentoring and supporting graduate student researchers. The recipients will have demonstrated excellence in their ability to guide graduate student research, creative projects and development helping VIU learners to move from directed to independent research and creative work. They inspire, motivate and support student learning, and maintain open communication and accessibility to students. They will have encouraged and supported students to share the results of their work as appropriate to the discipline (i.e., publications, presentations, performances) and their efforts will have resulted in transformative learning experiences for VIU graduate students.

 3. Distinguished Researcher Award

This is a university-wide award given to recognize an employee that has achieved exceptional scholarly achievement and impact on advancing knowledge in science, engineering, health, education, the arts, the humanities, social sciences, or other academic fields of study. Recipients will have demonstrated exceptional ability to convey the significance of scholarship and creative activities to their discipline and the public.

 4. Interdisciplinary Research Award

This is a university-wide award given to an employee who has demonstrated excellence in collaborative interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary, or trans-disciplinary research initiatives. This award will be granted to researchers who excel at identifying and working with collaborators outside their primary discipline to push knowledge boundaries and create new insights, innovations, or societal impacts. 

 5. Early Career Research Excellence Award

This is a university-wide award given to recognize employees at the beginning of their academic careers who have demonstrated significant promise in their research program. The award is presented to a researcher in the first six years of their academic career, and who has contributed to scholarly, research and creative activity in their area(s) of expertise. Nominees must have completed their doctoral degree or started their position at VIU within 6 years to be eligible for this award.

 6. Knowledge Mobilization Award

This is a university-wide award given to recognize an employee who has demonstrated effort in communicating research beyond the University resulting in significant impacts on society. This award recognizes the ability of the researcher(s) to facilitate conversations and collaborations with organizations and communities outside the academy, combining knowledge from different spheres of society to generate new ideas.

 7. Deans’ Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Award

This award is given to recognize an employee who has demonstrated scholarly, research and creative activities (SRC) achievements and impact on their disciplines during the previous academic year. The Deans in each Faculty can nominate one employee each year for this award. Nominations received on the web-based form will be forwarded to the Deans for a determination of the recipient of the Award.

 8. SRCA Service Award

This award is given to recognize and celebrate an employee whose exemplary service contributions on institutional committees have enabled and supported excellence in scholarship, research and creative activity at Vancouver Island University. Recipients of the award have dedicated significant time, expertise, initiative, and leadership to committees including, but not limited to:

  1. the Research Ethics Board
  2. the Animal Care Committee
  3. the Biosafety Committee
  4. the Vancouver Island University Research Awards Committee
  5. the VIUFA Leave Committee
  6. the Student Research and Travel Committee (STAR)
  7. the NSERC Awards Selection Committee
  8. the Graduate Scholarship Selection Committee.
  9. A call for nominations will be announced each March with a deadline of May 15 each year. 
  10. Nomination submission procedures differ by award type.

 Nomination Process

  3. Decisions for awards

  • The Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Awards Committee reviews and recommends a slate of nominees for awards 1 – 6 to the Provost, Vice-President Academic. The Committee is comprised of six faculty members with representation from both VIUFA and BCGEU members.
  • Dean’s awards are determined by the Dean of each Faculty.
  • Nominations for the SRCA Service Award are reviewed by a selection committee of representatives from each of the SRCA committees. The committee recommends recipients to the Provost, Vice-President, Academic.

Criteria for Nominations

The new date to submit a nomination form for a Provost’s Award for SRCA, a Dean’s SRCA Award, and an SRCA Service Award is May 15.

Nomination procedures for awards 1 to 6 (see above for award type) follow the procedures below.

  • Employees from VIUFA and BCGEU, regardless of previous nominations, are eligible to apply. Individuals who have previously received a Provost’s Award for Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity are ineligible to apply for 5 years except for the early career researcher award.
  • Individuals and organizations who submitted unsuccessful nominations in a prior year must clarify within their submission what is new/different about the current year’s nomination package.
  • Evaluation Rubric

The nomination package for awards 1-6 should contain the following:

Note: All attachments must be submitted together in one PDF and uploaded to the form. Supporting materials can be included but must be limited to no more than 10 pages. Hyperlinks to web-based materials are encouraged in the supporting materials package.

  • A completed nomination form.
  • One nominating letter from faculty, staff, or students, no more than three pages, which includes a narrative description advocating for and making the case for why this nominee’s accomplishments are relative to others doing community-engaged work at VIU and demonstrating how the nominee(s) meets the criteria for the award.
  • A minimum of two supporting letters from faculty, staff, students, community partners, and/or alumni that demonstrates how the nominee meets the criteria for the award. Each letter should be no more than two pages in length.
  • A current copy of the nominee’s resume, CV, or equivalent documentation to provide information about the background of the nominee.
  • Supporting materials such as media clips, press releases, or articles related to Nominee’s community-engaged work may be included and must be limited to no more than 10 pages. Hyperlinks to web-based materials are encouraged, when available. Supporting evidence should be referenced in the nomination letter.

If necessary, the Committee may request further information from the nominee or group before a final decision is made.

Nomination procedures for Dean's SRCA Award

This year there is a new procedure and form to submit a nomination for a Dean’s SRCA Award (7). Please follow the directions and use the new nomination form.

Nomination procedures for SRCA Service Award

Procedures to submit a nomination form for the SRCA Service Awards (8).

 Awardee Recognition

Awardees will be recognized for their scholarship, research, and creative activity by:

  • Being featured as an awardee at the fall recognition event.
  • Receiving a framed certificate
  • Being featured in the special feature articles and highlights through other VIU communication platforms and external news sources.