VIU Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity

UN Sustainable Development Goals and VIU

Since July, the staff at Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABRRI) have been trying to understand how VIU is meeting the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals, which cover topics from ending poverty to achieving gender equality, were adopted by nations globally in 2015. Since then, institutions have been attempting to align their goals with them as well. To date, this project has involved an extensive literature review and almost 40 meetings with faculty and staff, on top of attending a workshop at McGill University on the subject of sustainability.

The next stage of the project involves discovering what VIU can do to continue meeting the SDGs moving forward. To accomplish this, the MABRRI team invites you to attend a symposium on October 18th, where you will have the opportunity to provide input that will be used in the final report.

The symposium will include multiple presentations introducing the topic of sustainability as well as a presentation by VIU students explaining the results of MABRRI’s research to date. The evening will finish with a World Café event, where attendees will have the opportunity to provide input on how VIU can continue to strive to meet the SDGs in the future.

The event will be held from 4:00pm to 8:00pm and will include a catered dinner. To learn more about, and to register for this event, please visit: