Important Notice: Changes to Hourly Rates for Educational Programming in 2024


We want to share some details on an upcoming change that will affect our educational programming rates at the Deep Bay Marine Field Station, starting in January 2024. Our hourly rate for educational programming will be adjusted to $125 per hour, up from the previous rate of $100 per hour.


Why the Change?

This rate adjustment is necessary to ensure that we can continue to provide high-quality educational experiences while also supporting vital research and conservation initiatives. Over the years, we have consistently expanded our programs, and we're excited to announce that we have added a second programming site at VIU's Nanaimo campus. This expansion, along with the rate adjustment, will help us cover rising operational costs and maintain the excellence of our programs.


Our Commitment to Affordability and Accessibility

We understand that affordability is essential for many of our valued participants. We are committed to ensuring that our programs remain accessible to all, regardless of financial constraints. If the new hourly rate presents a barrier to your participation, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help.


Your Support Matters

We want to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude for your ongoing support. Your involvement in our mission to promote marine education is invaluable, and it's thanks to your dedication that we can continue inspiring future generations to care for our oceans.


Get in Touch

If you have any questions or concerns about this rate adjustment or need assistance with program fees, please reach out to us at