Podcasting Basics with Ravindra Mohabeer
You have either heard of podcasting or you have a favourite podcast and you’ve thought, "I should do that!” But where do you start? How does it work? What skills do you need?
This remote workshop is designed for anyone who wants to understand the basics of podcasting. It isn't specific to ‘professional’ or ‘personal’ projects so everyone is welcome. (*Future in-person or one-to-one workshops may be available for more advanced users with a foundation set of skills and/or a research/creation project ready to go. If that’s you, please feel free to inquire)
Mitacs Research Partnership Funding Opportunities
Mike Kennefick, a Business Development Specialist working with VIU to create research projects for students between academia and industry will provide details about research partnerships opportunities. In particular, Mike will discuss the Accelerate, Elevate, Business Strategy Internship and Globalink Research Award programs. This will be followed by an open discussion for participants about Mitacs and its offerings, as well as eligibility criteria for these programs.
Embedding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Concepts Throughout your Program of Research
EDI is more than just recruitment! Come to learn about specific practices for embedding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) throughout your research program. This session will introduce important concepts in EDI and to help you integrate EDI principles, actions and measures throughout your research and scholarly activity. This session is led by Dr. Roisin Mulligan, SCRA Research Development Manager and Carole Gray, Human Resources Advisor, Recruitment.
Research Ethic Board Workshop for Faculty Supervising Student Research
This workshop is intended for faculty who are or will be supervising students conducting research involving human participants. The workshop will focus on how supervisors can support students to submit well-developed applications for ethical review, and will include discussions on REB jurisdiction, benefit/risk analysis, managing risk, undue influence, internet tools, and the REB review process, etc. Led by Dr. Chris Turner, VIU's Research Ethics Officer.
How to Make the Most of Your Grant Funding
So you’ve applied for funding, but what happens if you’re approved? How long will it take to get your funds, what will you have to do to track your expenditures, and what do they mean when they tell you a final report is expected? Come learn all about the lifecycle of grant funding, and know what to expect when your funds come in. Led by May Norman, SRCA Research Services Manager and Kristin Smart, SRCA's new Research Services Coordinator.
SSHRC Funding Opportunities
Please join the SCRA's Grant Facilitator for an overview of SSHRC’s funding programs. Learn about the key application components shared by all SSHRC proposals and discover best practices for submitting a competitive application. Bring your questions!
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://viu.zoom.us/j/64495158166?pwd=anN6aGdKQWlTQ3plbWZmdkYzV0RUdz09
Password: 141211
Meeting ID: 644 9515 8166
Bridging Indigenous and Western Research Paradigms
with VIU's Danielle Alphonse, BC Regional Innovation Chair for Aboriginal Early Childhood Development as one of the panelists
Held on June 17, 12 to 1pm ET, Register and more info here
NSERC Alliance grants: Everything you need to know for a competitive application
Pam Giberson will provide an overview of the NSERC Alliance partnership grant, including main program criteria, how to apply, and best practices for putting your application together.
Mitacs Research Partnership Funding Opportunities
Mike Kennefick, a Business Development Specialist working with VIU to create research projects for students between academia and industry will provide details about research partnerships opportunities. In particular, Mike will discuss the Accelerate, Elevate, Business Strategy Internship and Research Training Award programs. This will be followed by an open discussion for participants about Mitacs and its offerings, as well as eligibility criteria for these programs.
A New Take on the 3 'R's: Reading, Writing & Research: Undergraduate Students as Scholars
Join us to discuss research experiences for the humanities and social sciences. SRCA is hosting a small VIU panel to share ideas about integrating research and scholarship into classroom settings as well as guiding undergraduates in their own inquiry based projects. Come hear about applied examples that you can integrate into your own teaching and scholarship.