VIU Internal Awards Program
The VIU Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Office awards over $100,000 a year in internal grants. We have grants for just about everything including publishing, research centres, teaching release, travel, and knowledge mobilization. We also have a new grant program focusing on Health Research. Come check it out! Bring your questions.
SSHRC Funding Opportunities
Join VIU’s SSHRC Grant Facilitator Bettina Ruhstein for an overview of SSHRC’s funding programs. Learn about the key application components shared by all SSHRC proposals and discover best practices for submitting a competitive application.
MSFHR Knowledge Translation Funding Opportunities
The Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research is BC’s provincial funding agency. Please join their research competitions staff as they introduce some of their key knowledge translation funding programs, Convening and Collaborating (C2) which funds stakeholder engagement to develop the research project and the Reach Program which supports the dissemination of research evidence/findings.
Town Hall – Impacts of Covid-19 on Research
Covid-19 has impacted the ability of VIU faculty and students to engage in scholarship, research and creative activity. Join this town hall with staff from the SRCA Office to share how your scholarship, research and creative activity has been impacted as well as providing ideas/suggestions on how what will help you to resume activity over the next year. For those who are unable to attend the Town Hall, we will also provide an opportunity to provide feedback via an online survey.
President and Provost Awards Info Session
Are you planning to submit a nomination for the President’s Awards for Community Engagement or the Provost’s Awards for Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity this year? Prepare a winning nomination by joining this session to learn more about the award process, award categories and tips on preparing a strong nomination package. The Chairs of the committees will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance to nominators and nominees.
Information session
Date: April 23
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Undergraduate Research (UR) Twitter Take-over on November 12. Win Prizes!
On November 12, post to Twitter and use the hashtag #URExchange and get involved in the conversation about undergraduate research. Why? Because Kendra challenged all other universities in Canada to participate in the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) ‘Twitter Takeover’ as a way to share and empower undergraduate research (UR). You can share whatever stage of the research process you find yourself in, or the impact of COVID on your research, a thank you to your mentors/faculty/institution, or anything else that's on your mind about this topic.
Meet-up with Kendra Stiwich, Student Research Engagement Coordinator
To learn about the opportunities and supports to engage your students in CREATE 2020-2021.
Password: Research
Meeting ID: 673 1485 7323
Meet-up with Leyla Innala, Animal Care Officer
To learn about VIU’s animal care and bio-safety protocols and best practice.
Password: 657421
Meeting ID: 694 5664 9955
Meet-up with Tanis Dagert, Community Liaison and Knowledge Mobilization Officer
To learn about opportunities and best practices to engage with community and share your knowledge:
Password: Community
Meeting ID: 514 360 5700
Meet-up with Kendra Stiwich, Student Research Engagement Coordinator
To learn about opportunities to involving students in research.
Password: Research
Meeting ID: 611 0065 0687