The Community as a Resource: Applied Research and Service Learning for Students
Will you have students working with a community/industry partner on an applied research project during the F20 or S21 as part of course work or program requirements? Or are you interested in shifting a course in this direction? Come to learn about a great opportunity to get the students a small stipend, and the program materials to make it more accessible and sustainable.
Knowledge Mobilization (KM) 101
Knowledge mobilization is about finding ways to do more with what we know, to ensure that our research creates positive impacts in, with and for our communities and greater society. In this workshop, Tanis Dagert, Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator at SRCA will introduce you to some of the KM basics, ideas and opportunities. Planning for knowledge mobilization activities beyond the traditional approaches, also helps with grant proposals, partnership meetings, and long-term impacts!
Publishing and Scholarly Identity for your Research and Creative Activity
Attend one or both parts of this two-part session. Times are approximate and attendees are welcome to join and leave as they need to.
10:00 - 10:45am Part One: Considerations in deciding where to publish, including predatory publishers, publishing agreements, Tri-agency requirements, APCs and discounts.
Research Data: Planning for it, Managing it, Meeting Accountabilities
Attend one or both parts of this two-part session. Times are approximate and attendees are welcome to join and leave as they need to.
9:00-9:50 Part One: Overview of data management requirements, planning & tools
10:00 - 11:00 Part Two: Data management tools in action: DMP Tool, VIU Dataverse @ ScholarsPortal
Hiring Research Project Personnel
Wondering how to hire a research assistant? Come hear the basics, from hiring to time sheets, to end of grant wrap up. Bring your questions for the Q&A at the end.
Key Points to Successfully Managing Grant Funds
If you have funding but need some help you’ve picked the right session. We will go over how to access your funding, address common questions about expenses and introduce key VIU and Tri-Agency policies and procedures related to research expenses. This session will be useful to researchers that hold either internal or external funding.
How to get the Most from your Grant Funding
So you’ve applied for funding, but what happens if you’re approved? How long will it take to get your funds, what will you have to do to track your expenditures, and what do they mean when they tell you a final report is expected? Come learn all about the lifecycle of grant funding, and know what to expect when your funds come in.
Grant Writing Basics
Join VIU’s Research Grant Facilitators, Bettina Ruhstein and Roisin Mulligan for a one hour crash course on grant writing basics. Whether you’re just getting started or looking for some tips to put in a more competitive application, we can help.
BioSafety @ VIU
Come and meet VIU's new Biosafety Officer! In this short course, Jen Kebe will outline Biosafety at VIU, the new Biosafety Training Program, and how to apply for a Biosafety Authorization from the Institutional Biosafety Committee. The aim of this course is to ensure all labs activities are as safe as possible and compliant with terms of VIU's Level 2 Containment license.
Research Ethics for Faculty Supervising Student Research
This workshop is intended for faculty who are or will be supervising students conducting research involving human participants. The workshop will focus on how supervisors can support students to submit well-developed applications for ethical review, and will include discussions on REB jurisdiction, benefit/risk analysis, managing risk, undue influence, internet tools, and the REB review process, etc.