VIU Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity


Insights from the Tropics on the Life on Land Sustainable Development Goal

Submitted by Lyn Locke on March 2, 2023 - 3:45pm

Join this talk by Dr. Colin Chapman to hear about what is happening in the tropics that will strongly determine if the world can meet the SDG goals. The talk will focus on the Life on Land goal, but this strongly affects our ability to reach many of the other SDG goals. For example, globally, ~60 million hectares of tropical primary forest were lost from 2002 to 2019. This means that an area of old-growth forest almost twenty times the size of Vancouver Island was lost in 18 years. The effect that this has had on the climate and people’s abilities to grow food has been tremendous. Dr.

Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

Submitted by Lyn Locke on March 2, 2023 - 3:43pm

How can the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a global call to action to be met by 2030, be advanced on a local level? What is happening at VIU to advance the SDGs? Join Anna and Kyla from Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABRRI) to listen to a presentation about how VIU contributes towards the advancement of the SDGs, followed by a workshop on SDG localization. This workshop aims to give participants a more grounded understanding of how to apply global goals in their everyday lives, in achievable ways.

VIU and the SDG Accord

Submitted by Lyn Locke on March 2, 2023 - 3:37pm

VIU and the Sustainable Development Accord

In 2022, VIU signed the Sustainable Development Accord.  The SDG Accord in the University and College sector’s collective response to the SDGs. It is intended to inspire, celebrate and advance the critical role that education has in delivering the SDGs and to provide opportunities for learning. Join this session to learn more about the SDG Accord and the resources available to us via the sustainability exchange.

Garry Oak Restoration Project Open House

Submitted by Lyn Locke on March 2, 2023 - 3:22pm

Garry oak ecosystems are drought-adapted landscapes of cultural and ecological significance to our region. They are one of the most biodiverse, but also one of the most threatened, ecosystems in Canada. Come and find out more about this fascinating ecosystem and VIU’s restoration efforts. This event is an open house format. Drop by the site between buildings 470 and 475 on Saturday, April 15, from 1 to 4 pm.

Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute Open House

Submitted by Lyn Locke on March 2, 2023 - 3:19pm

Please drop by on the morning of April 11, 2023, between 9 am and 12 pm to learn about some of the applied research projects that the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABRRI) is currently involved in. We hope that through this event (sharing our work and learning about potential parallels with others’ work and/or interests), we will be able to further enhance our collaboration with students, staff, and faculty at VIU!

GROW: Data Management

Submitted by Lyn Locke on October 24, 2022 - 2:45pm

The importance of effective data management has become more evident for researchers. Are you curious about how to manage your research data? Join this session to learn more about best practices in data management throughout the research process. A presentation followed by a discussion.

Moderators: Kathleen Reed and Dana McFarland

GROW: Data Collection

Submitted by Lyn Locke on October 24, 2022 - 2:44pm

Many graduate students describe data collection as the best part of their experience. Are you about to begin data collection, or do you have experiences (both good and bad) to share that may help others about to embark on this part of their research process? A panel presentation about data collection experiences will be followed by a discussion.

GROW: Framing Great Research Objectives

Submitted by Lyn Locke on October 24, 2022 - 2:42pm

Are you developing research objectives from your reading and literature review? Do you have research objectives that need to be re-evaluated as you proceed due to changes in the field of study? Bring your draft research objectives for sharing with the group to get some constructive feedback. 

Moderator: Kendra Stiwich

Panelist: Guy Le Masurier

GROW: Data Analysis

Submitted by Lyn Locke on October 24, 2022 - 2:40pm

Coding and data analysis are important stages of the research process and can often be seen as a black box. Taking data and making meaning from it can be both a painful and energizing experience. This session will offer some insights into the data analysis process from people who have done both quantitative and qualitative analysis. A question-and-answer period will follow.

Moderator: Aggie Weighill

Panel Session: Louise Stern, Rachel Moll, and Farhad Moghimehfar

GROW: Managing References

Submitted by Lyn Locke on October 24, 2022 - 2:38pm

Do you struggle with managing hundreds of book and article references? What options are out there for easier reference management? What best practices may help you be a more effective graduate researcher, as well as make your life easier? Luke and Natalie will provide information about referencing options and suggest how and why to make choices. Attendees can offer their perspectives on what works and doesn’t work for them.

Moderators: Luke McLeod and Natalie Hajduk