VIU Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity


Creating a Supportive Environment for Graduate Students

Submitted by Tanis Dagert on May 13, 2020 - 11:27am

Graduate students need scholarly, financial and social supports to make sure their experience at VIU sets them on the best path to move forward in life.  Join these four experienced graduate student mentors in a panel as they discuss their reflections on being a graduate student mentor at a primarily undergraduate focussed university. Led by Joanne Schroeder, Erik Krogh, Rachel Moll and Pam Shaw

I’m Funded, Now What?

Submitted by Tanis Dagert on May 13, 2020 - 11:25am

If you’re a recipient of an internal funding award, this session is for you.  We will cover the process to access your funding, hire students or other research personnel, inform you of researcher obligations and expectations, and cover best practices and tips for managing your internal funding. Led by Shelley Lumsden and Rebecca Ramsey.

Conducting Research and Scholarly Activity During a Pandemic: VIU’s COVID-19 Guidelines, What You Need to Know

Submitted by Tanis Dagert on May 13, 2020 - 11:23am

The COVID 19 outbreak has impacted how faculty and students can engage in scholarship, research and creative activity. Join this session to learn about VIU’s guidelines for conducting research during the pandemic. Led by Nicole Vaugeois and Chris Turner

Organizing and Presenting at Online Conferences

Submitted by Tanis Dagert on May 13, 2020 - 11:21am

Recent global conditions have yielded a unique set of limitations that have changed and cancelled many national and international conferences.  A few have opted for a completely online presence to accommodate the needs of the scientific community.  Recent experiences in this arena by several VIU faculty, across a range of disciplinary backgrounds, will be presented. Led by Whitney Wood, Chris Gill and Tim Green

Research Data- Best Practices for Management and Stewardship

Submitted by Tanis Dagert on May 13, 2020 - 11:19am

What is Data Management and why is it important?  Attend this session to learn how to create a data management plan, how to share your data in a data repository, and to find out what new requirements are being set by Canadian and international funding agencies. This session is a collaboration between the VIU library and SRCA. Led by Bettina Ruhstein and Dana MacFarland

Community Engagement 101: Principles and Best Practices

Submitted by Tanis Dagert on May 13, 2020 - 11:18am

Universities across Canada are recognizing the power of community engagement to enhance learning and research. However, campus-community engagement must put the needs and priorities of the community first. By linking community needs and resources with academic needs and resources, campus-community engagement can foster social and civic engagement through mutually beneficial initiatives. Join the discussion and contribute to a shared understanding of best practices and principles for fostering effective campus-community engagement. Led by Tanis Dagert