The 10-minute oral presentation can be an effective way to try out new ideas, introduce your work to others, and hone your public speaking skills. Presenting at a conference is a great opportunity to gain valuable feedback from your community, and your participation is a fantastic addition to your professional resume and academic CV.
Wondering how your presentation will be assessed? Check out the rubric:
- Sessions will be Face-to-Face in the Royal Arbutus Room (main cafeteria on the Nanaimo campus), or B305 (Rooms 440 and 444)
- Numerous presentation sessions will be coordinated depending on numbers and scheduling
- There will be time for questions following the presentation
- Presentations are a combination of oral and visual presentation
Sessions will be open to the public
- The presentation is 10-minutes in length, not including questions
- PowerPoint is often used to enhance the oral presentation
- Try not to read from a script and make sure you are not speaking too fast
Thanks to Dr. Guy Le Masurier for providing us with these sheets!
Best 10-minute presentation: $500
There are also a number of other awards you may be considered for.