CREATE logo 2025

Faculty Involvement

Did you know?

  • Thousands of VIU students are expected to attend CREATE in 2019
  • In response to the amazing growth, the CREATE team has been preparing for an amazing 2019 conference
  • Call for CREATE Submissions open in January 7 through March 1, 2019
  • Research Week includes the multiple events across campus that celebrate faculty, staff, and student work

Get Involved!

There are many different ways for faculty to be involved with CREATE. We wouldn't want anyone to miss the party!


BE A JUDGE! This year the demand for faculty and staff judges is greater than ever so contact Taisa Andrushko (CREATE 2019 Volunteer Coordinator) to sign up! 


Spread the word to students and let them know they have what it takes to participate in CREATE. Tell them about the website, the deadlines, the 'how awesome it is that they are going to a university that has these great opportunities'.


Offer a bonus to students that participate in the CREATE Conference.

Get Creative: Think outside the box to make sure all student work can be showcased. Connect with Kendra if you have some ideas!

Design your curriculum (in part or in full) around a CREATE submission: We have five different catagories to get your class' CREATE-ive juices flowing.

Use participation in CREATE as a final project requirement. If you are planning on doing this, please connect with Kendra so she has a head's up and can coordinate accordingly.


Bring your entire class to view presentations and posters

We ask that you excuse students from class during the CREATE conference when possible so they may participate

Benefits for students

In case your students need to know why CREATE is so beneficial, we have compiled a short list.

Deeper Learning

Actively presenting will often results in an increased engagement with their projects and watching others present allows them to observe and integrate other techniques and styles.

Bolster their CV/resume

This is a fantastic opportunity for students to disseminate their research, creative, and scholarly activities.

Join the community

They get to network with other students, scholars and community members.


CREATE allows students to gain experience and confidence.

Prizes and the shot at glory

Hey! It's true - there are numerous cash prizes to be won!