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2016 Award Winners

2016 Award Winners


People's Choice Best Poster
  1. Daniel Godard, Gage Nordstrom, JP Deland, Andres Cristancho Saldana, Toby Orrick & Scott Gates - Geoscience: A Geochemical Study of the Volcanic Rocks from Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island
  2. Foroutan Mahmoudi, Allan Stenlund, Clair Wallace, Erin Greene & Russell Knowles - Chemistry: Bioerosion Due to Decreasing the PH of the Ocean
  3. Snehita Gupta, Bader Alsamiri, Muhammad Shaiba, Faisal Albalawi & Jegede Ayo - International Human Resource Management: Mexico
Honourable Mentions
  • Mathieu Soucy, Jordan Ferguson, Zach Horman, Maegan Strom & Jeff Watt - BiologyStumped! The Life Cycle of a Nursery Log
  • Hailey Hudson - Biology: Effects of Triclosan on Drosophila Melanogaster Female Fecundity and Gene Expression
  • Keasha Watts, Melynda Bergen, Luke Wagner, Taylor Board, Ben Overvoorde & Michael Crofton - Chemistry: Global Carbon May be Affecting our Local Area


Meritorious Best Presentation
  1. Matthew Murray - Sport, Health and Physical Education: Exercising Change
  2. Tie:
    • Jennifer Coburn - Sport, Health and Physical EducationDon’t Believe Me Just Watch: Analyzing Gender Stereotypes in Sports Television Commercials
    • Marnie Hustins - Biology: The Effects of Plant Phenolics on Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilm Formation at the Air-Liquid Interface on Solid Surfaces
  3. Doug Wortley - Interdisciplinary Research, Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute: Stories from the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR)
Honourable Mentions
  • Kelsey Yamasaki, Kirsten Gellein & Dmitry Morozov - SociologyWalkability, Affordable Housing and Youth Programs: What’s really Happening in Parksville?
  • Hailey Hudson - BiologyEffects of triclosan on Drosophila melanogaster female fecundity and gene expression 

Scholarship Slam

  1. Matthew Murray - Sport, Health and Physical Education: Exercising Change
  2. Jennifer Coburn - Sport, Health and Physical Education: Don’t Believe Me Just Watch: Analyzing Gender Stereotypes in Sports Television Commercials
  3. Linda Bracken - Geography and Psychology: Aging in Place: An Interdisciplinary Approach