CREATE logo 2025

SLAM Details

  • Sessions will be done via Zoom
  • Students will pre-record their SLAM, then upload their SLAM to VIUTube, then send the VIUTube link to by March 31, 2021.
  • Students will be assigned to a particular 1-hour session where their pre-recorded SLAM will be shared. Students are expected to be at the session and stay for the entire hour.
  • There will be time for a couple of questions following the SLAM and students will answer the questions 'live' on Zoom.
  • Students will be given the opportunity to pick a time slot that works best for them and organizers will try to accommodate to the best of their ability.
  • Presentations are a combination of oral and visual presentation. The visual part is normally done using a slide-show presentation such as a PowerPoint presentation. 

  • Sessions will be open to the public.

  • SLAM is 3 minutes in length.
  • One PowerPoint slide may be used. Recomend putting the slide up for ~20 seconds on the screen, then have YOU as the main visual for the rest of the SLAM. 
  • One prop may be used. 
  • The point of the SLAM is for it to be FUN and Informative.
  • Language must be for a general audience - but keep it clean!
  • Try not to read from a script and make sure you are not speaking too fast.

This is not about how much info you can cram into 3-minutes, it is about letting your audience know what you did, why you did it, and why it matters. Leave them understanding what you did, and wanting to learn more about your topic.

Our Copyright Librarian Lori Walter has shared this excellent UBC resource. It includes links on how to cite images and LOTS of sites that have images you can use.

Lori specifically recommends these two sites:

Pixabay: Photos and clip art published under CC-Public Domain license (free of copyright restrictions). But note that sponsored Shutterstock images are also shown during searches but are NOT free of copyright restrictions. Those images are marked with a gray background and display the Shutterstock logo.

Unsplash: Free high-resolution stock photos depicting a wide variety of subjects. 10 new photos are released every 10 days. All photos are licensed under CC License Zero. Can be used for commercial purposes.

If you have any questions about image use in posters, presentations, and other types of publications please connect with VIU's copyright office, they would love to help you out.