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Welcome to our wee SHORTS virtual film fest. Sit back and enjoy the films! 

Documentary film on the creative process behind "The Word On The Street" exhibit developed by Vancouver Island University students of the courses HIST 480 Public History with Dr. Katharine Rollwagen and HIST 358 History of Vancouver Island with Dr. Kelly Black, for the Nanaimo Museum Community Gallery.  

By Mick Sweetman & Genevieve Johnson

This short film discusses the biodiversity in and importance of Garry Oak and associated ecosystems. It highlights their ongoing destruction and degradation by factors such as land development and habitat fragmentation, fire suppression and encroachment of woody species, invasive species competing with native species that alter the landscape, and recreational activities including the unfettered and unmonitored use of motorized vehicles in these sensitive ecosystems. But it offers the viewer hope. Hope through the restoration of a Garry Oak habitat at the Vancouver Island University Nanaimo campus, lead by Dr. Caroline Josefsson, that has only succeeded through the work of countless students and dedicated individuals! Actions such as the starting of native seeds, the transplanting of native plants and grasses into the plot, weeding out non-native and invasive plants, and installing fencing to keep out invasive rabbits. This has all contributed to this projects success. In addition to supporting native biodiversity, this project has created opportunities for knowledge sharing, community building, networking, and new learning experiences! People from all walks of life have volunteered their time to help support this initiative. And with spring progressing, everything is now starting to bloom! While the restoration plot is relatively small, this essential habitat helps bring a little piece of one of Canada's most Endangered ecosystems back to life!