a serene forest with dappled sunlight.

Multi-Eyed Stewardship


Building on the foundational work of Vancouver Island University (VIU), Roots to Thrive, and other knowledge translation initiatives in Canada, and a Two-Eyed Seeing approach, which was coined by Mi'kmaq Elder Albert Marshall (2004), and represents “seeing from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous ways of knowing, and from the other eye with the strengths of Western ways of knowing, and using both eyes together” (Bartlett et al., 2012, p. 338). We have since initiated our expansion to a multi-eyed approach, honoring a diversity of ways of knowing in Canada and beyond.

In 2023, this philosophy informed a Participatory Action Research project conducted by the Naut sa mawt Collective for Psychedelic Research (NCPR). The research led to the development of a leadership model and a methodological framework, expanding to a multi-eyed seeing approach. The model is designed to promote safety through a culturally responsive and fluid learning environment, where knowledge sharing is informed by respectful intentions and agreements; where reconciliation becomes an intentional byproduct of the development process and service delivery offerings.

The recommendations for these models emerged from guidance provided by Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers, insights from scholarly literature, and input from a diverse group of contributors. A small core group, known as the Seed Group (SG), consisted of six representatives holding Indigenous perspectives and five holding Western perspectives, supported by additional guest participants during various activities. The primary developer, of mixed ancestry, served as facilitator, mediator, and writer for the process.

The proposal included:

  • System mapping analysis: Identifying existing structures, language, routines, and rituals.
  • Relationship-building frameworks: Strategies to foster intercultural collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Plans for capacity building: Supporting culturally safe and inclusive research practices.

Research Community System Map and Analysis

The research community’s shared goal was to develop accessible and culturally informed psychedelic-assisted therapies for treatment-resistant conditions such as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Substance Use Disorder (SUD). The initiative sought to address the needs of individuals from diverse sociocultural backgrounds through a balanced integration of Indigenous and Western perspectives.

Information for this work was drawn from:

  • The initial research collaborative proposal submitted to VIU approval committees.
  • Grant applications developed by collaborators.
  • Insights shared during developmental workshops and gatherings.

VIU’s research community is committed to increasing Indigenous membership and participation to achieve a more balanced integration of Western biomedical and Indigenous ways of knowing. This balance is central to the vision of the proposed Psychedelic Medicine Research and Healing Centre. As noted by Dames et al. (2022), “Two-Eyed Seeing has been fruitfully applied to develop and study healthcare programs pursuing decolonization and culturally-sensitive healthcare. The holistic nature of Indigenous ways of knowing is particularly well-suited for the complex relational, emotional, and spiritual experiences induced by psychedelics” (p. 3).

Intercultural Stewardship Model

Table 1 illustrates the influence of Western-structured organizations on the dynamics of the mixed research community. These influences highlight the need for a stewardship model that ensures equitable intercultural collaboration and maintains the integrity of traditional ways of knowing within the broader framework.

Figure 1

British Columbia Health Research System Map


Note: Actors are persons, groups, or organizations acting within a system of interest. Stakeholders, on the other hand, are persons, groups, or organizations that are (1) affected by the project, (2) interested in the project, and/or (3) able to affect the project.

Table 1

British Columbia Health Research System stakeholders




The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada's federal funding agency for health research, providing federal funding for health research and clinical trials through grants. 

CIHR's mandate is to "excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation…” (CIHR, 2022, para. 1).

Health Research BC

The communication with this national Stakeholder was through their representative Institute at the time of development: The training, support and consultations needed are provided by them. 

Island Health Authority

Research and Capacity Building Department Island Health's purpose includes innovation, teaching, and research. “Our department supports research across the region to improve health and promote wellness in our communities.” (Island Health Authority, 2022, para. 2).


The BC SUPPORT (Support for People and Patient-Oriented Research and Trials) Unit supports patient-oriented research throughout BC to answer research questions that matter to patients and improve health care.

Help with grant writing and understand the requirements through Research Facilitators who support scientific research and act as advisors.


The FNHA is the health and wellness partner to over 200 diverse First Nations communities and citizens across BC.​ Provides partnership, whose Anti-Racism, Cultural Safety, and Humility Framework will guide our work. They provided: ethics consultation; Indigenous research data management and supervise the OCAP® principles (Ownership, control, access, and possession of data).


OCAP® has become the standard for conducting research with First Nations and has grown beyond research to include the governance of all First Nations information. 

Vancouver Island University

Vancouver Island University has been a leading collaborator in psychedelic-assisted therapy program development, research and knowledge translation. They recently launched Canada’s first comprehensive psychedelic program in Canada.

Royal Roads University

Royal Roads University was recently approved to join Vancouver Island University in their efforts to research psychedelic therapies - specifically focusing on degenerative brain diseases.


The British Columbia Network Environment for Indigenous Health research is an organization that provides funding, networking resources and facilitation for Indigenous scholars, organizations and collectives to build capacity for research and knowledge sharing.

NCPR Stewardship Model Research Stages

Stage 1. Recommendations on a epistemological relation

Is a review about the ‘Two-eyed Seeing Approach (TeSA)’ concept in order to provide  recommendations on the epistemological relation that can promote a culturally safe, equitable, and accessible space for intercultural collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers.

This stage was completed in March 2023.

 See the Stage 1 Results

Stage 2. Clarifying the intent, values and principles

The Seed Group held a gathering with the purpose to unify ways of knowing to clarify the intent, values and principles that will guide the NCPR activities.

This stage was completed in March 2023.

See the Stage 2 Results 

Stage 3. Relational Leadership and Research and Ethics framework design.

Two working groups were formed, one dedicated to developing a Relational Leadership and governance model for the NCPR to support the Intercultural collaboration framework, while the second focused on creating a Research and Ethics framework that prioritizes Indigenous methodologies in the NCPR research.

This stage was completed in July 2023.

See the Relational Leadership Framework or see the Ethical Research Framework

Stage 4. Co-creating actions to thrive

This stage opened September 2023.

Join the process