VIU student studying in the campus library

Graduate Student Scholars

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Making a Difference

As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. 

- Bill Gates

Vancouver Island University Graduate Student Scholars have received a major graduate scholarship in recognition for academic, research and community leadership. These scholarships include the Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's Program, Indigenous Scholars Award, British Columbia Graduate Scholarship and the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship.

The VIUGSS Program is three pronged: Developing Leaders, Community Building through Communications, and Peer Service. These experiences provide the Scholars with opportunities to expand, share, and guide respectively.

Name: Alec Kvarnstrom

Program: Master of Geographic Information Systems Applications

From: Cranbrook, BC

Research/Professional Interests: Remote sensing, drone applications, automation, and machine learning. 

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree? To continue utilizing drones for cutting-edge applications in the resource management sector and beyond.  

What excites you most about 2024-25? Getting the chance to work with hyperspectral data collected by drone, taking my academic research skills to the next level, and sharpening my knowledge in automation, machine learning, and deep learning for remote sensing applications. 

Name: Anton Kuzemchuk

Program: Master of Community Planning


Research/Professional Interests: 

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree? 

What excites you most about 2024-25? 

Name: Aviva Fialkow

Program: Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management


Research/Professional Interests: 

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree? 

What excites you most about 2024-25? 

Name: Brittany Salmon

Program: Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management


Research/Professional Interests: 

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree?

What excites you most about 2024-25? 

Name: Derek Robillard

Program: Master of Geographic Information Systems Applications

From: Nanaimo, BC

Research/Professional Interests: Terrain analysis, GIS, automated landform mapping, watershed assessment, geohazard & risk management in the forest sector.

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree? i) Complete my application for Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo) designation through the association of Engineers & Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC); ii) continue to provide professional geoscience consulting services focusing on terrain analysis, watershed assessment, and geohazard & risk management; and iii) supplement my practice with continued professional development.

What excites you most about 2024-25? I am excited for this opportunity to develop my research project, and I hope that the results will provide useful insight into advanced GIS applications in terrain analysis and modelling. 

Name: Erik Morden

Program: Master of Community Planning

From: Coquitlam, BC 

Research/Professional Interests: parks and trails planning, urban design, human-nature relationships, community resiliency, resource and environmental management, arts, and culture

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree? I aspire to work in communities that both protect and provide access to natural landscapes. I am hoping that through my career I can work and live within a diversity of communities across the country to help create spaces where people and place are not disconnected but intertwined and inspired by one another.  

What excites you most about 2024-25? I am excited to continue to work with my MCP peers and build meaningful relationships with the broader VIU and Nanaimo community. Additionally, I look forward to spending more time exploring Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands via foot or bike! 

Name: Flynn Saunderson

Program: Master of Community Planning

From: Tofino/Ucluelet, BC

Research/Professional Interests: Parks and public spaces planning, tourism management/planning, policy and governance, economic development, sustainable development, transportation planning, and more... 

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree? To help create thriving communities that people of all walks of life love to live in or visit. 

What excites you most about 2024-25? I'm excited to unpack all the new topics the Masters of Community Planning program has in store while diving into my thesis research. I also look forward to welcoming all the new first-year MCP students into their newest chapter in life. 

Name: Julika Pape

Program: Master of Community Planning

Current home: Ladysmith, BC

Research/Professional Interests: Social Planning, Food Security, Affordable Housing and Climate Change Adaptation

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree? 

What excites you most about 2024-25? Our upcoming class on First Nations Planning.

Name: Manti Burke

Program: Master of Geographic Information Systems Applications

From: Duncan, BC

Research/Professional Interests: GIS, Spatial Analysis and Earthquake Risk Assessment

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree? Obtaining a job that I will be able to directly use my GIS skill set that I have developed throughout my program.

What excites you most about 2024-25? This year I’m excited to be furthering me knowledge of GIS and Spatial Analysis. I cannot wait to be starting my research and I hope it will provide some insightful information on Nanaimo Earthquake risks. 

Name: Nick Haney

Program: Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management


Research/Professional Interests: 

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree?

What excites you most about 2024-25? 

Name: Rustee Watts - Tiitiit’Skinis

Program: Master of Education in Education Leadership


Research/Professional Interests: 

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree?

What excites you most about 2024-25? 

Name: Sydney Bergeron

Program: Master of Community Planning 

From: Nanaimo, BC 

Research/Professional Interests: Economic and Social Inequality, Design & Social Equity, Social Infrastructure, Informal Housing, Social Values and Morality

What are your career aspirations after completing your graduate degree?

What excites you most about 2024-25? My thesis! I never guessed I would be where I am, but if I could take a whole master’s in public toilets (my thesis topic), I would! I am looking forward to uncovering insights into planning processes through my own thesis research and seeing the results that come out of the research work of my classmates. I am also so excited to welcome the incoming class of new MCP students!