Zoom into Lunch & Learn about Research on Leisure as a Coping Mechanism for COVID Related Stress
Join Aggie Weighill who will discuss her VIURAC funded research project on 'Research on Leisure as a coping mechanism for COVID related stress.'
- Cancelled - to be re-scheduled: Lunch & Learn about ‘Traditional Food and Medicinal Plants’
Cancelled - to be re-scheduled. VIU Elder Geraldine Manson will speak about her VIURAC funded 'Geraldine Manson - ‘Traditional Food and Medicinal Plants’ Project. Join us by Zoom!
Touch Tank Tuesday
Join us weekly on Facebook LIVE to see a surprise critter from our touch tanks. Each week, we will select a new species from the tank to share while live streaming.
We will be talking about the species, showing their special features, and taking questions from the public.
Oyster Dissection (Zoom)
Join us via Zoom for an Oyster Dissection! Watch closely as we shuck and dissect an oyster, pointing out their important parts and talking about their life cycle.
All ages are welcome! Please register by emailing deepbay@viu.ca to receive the Zoom link.
Amazing Adaptations (Zoom)
Join us via Zoom to talk about the amazing adaptations of our local marine species! From oysters to sea cucumbers, we will discuss what makes each critter unique and why they look the way they do. The perfect place for a budding marine enthusiast to ask questions about the local marine life here in Deep Bay.
Touch Tank Tuesday (FB Live)
Join us weekly on Facebook LIVE to see a surprise critter from our touch tanks. Each week, we will select a new species from the tank to share while live streaming.
We will be talking about the species, showing their special features, and taking questions from the public.
Zoom into Lunch & Learn about ... Indigenizing Platforms: Perspectives on Facebook from Island Melanesia
Platform studies explores the explosive proliferation of Internet organizations such as Facebook and what it means for social, cultural, political and economic life today. This new field of inquiry has largely focused on the platformization of Euro-American and Asian lifeworlds while often ignoring especially indigenous voices and experiences. We challenge Platform Studies to be more inclusive accounting for experiences such as those that we encountered during our ethnography of digital transformations in Solomon Islands.
Zoom into Lunch & Learn about... "Alternate Delivery in K-12 Schools: COVID-19 Experiences and Possibilities – A joint Faculty of Education and Health and Human Services Project"
with Marian Riedel, Rachell Moll, Riki Cox, Paige Fisher, Alison Taplay and Leif Rasmussen.
Virtual Oyster Dissection
Join us for our Ocean's Day Oyster Dissection from the comfort of your couch! Learn all about the oyster's life cycle, how we grow oysters at Deep Bay and we will also go over the oyster's anatomy with a live dissection! So join us on Monday June 8 at 1:30pm PDT!
Join us on Zoom!
Zoom URL: https://viu.zoom.us/j/95268029075?pwd=SFcyY3BjM1YvV0dlOUZSQkhzRmRXdz09
Password: 071009
Meeting ID: 952 6802 9075
Virtual Amazing Adaptations
Join us for our World Ocean's Day Virtual Amazing Adaptations! We'll be talking all things adaptations as we check in on our touch tank critters! So join us on zoom to see what helps our sea stars, urchins and hermit crabs thrive in their habitat. So join us from the comfort of your couch on Monday June 8th at 11 am PST.
Zoom URL: https://viu.zoom.us/j/96591565639?pwd=UWtCWHU2S1lsNVpmc1IzWmFBOVJOZz09
Password: 204349
Meeting ID: 965 9156 5639