Welcome to the BC Regional Innovation Endowment Chair in Aboriginal Early Childhood Development at Vancouver Island University. The collaboration between VIU, First Nation communities and Aboriginal organizations and agencies holds great promise for strengthening educational preparation and professional development of ECD practitioners. It is believed this will support best practices in AECD programs and services, with the ultimate result of positively influencing the health and development of children and families in Aboriginal communities.
An endowment was established to invest in Aboriginal Early Childhood Development to help strengthen the health and prospects of Aboriginal children. The Chair is working to implement the research and innovation plan formed in collaboration with many committed individuals and organizations.
In 2009, Linda McDonell was appointed to the BC Regional Innovation Chair (BCRIC) for Aboriginal Early Childhood Development (AECD). In 2013, Danielle Alphonse was appointed as her successor.
Student Research Opportunities
A vital role of the Chair for AECD is to facilitate Aboriginal student involvement and participation in AECD research activities. The Chair will provide mentorship to students to increase research experience and build leadership capacity.
Danielle Alphonse, BC Regional Innovation Chair in Aboriginal Early Childhood Education
Building: 180 Room: 421
900 Fifth St.
Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9R 5S5